Can a V5 be used as proof of address - Ex Alfa mail

A strange situation has arisen and for the first time we can recall my wife has been asked for proof of address. Historically we have used passport and driving licence but this time, for some reason, they want a utilities bill or similar. To cut a long story short, my wife doesn't have a suitable bill in her name alone. Bank statements are paperless and a printed one is not accepted as it must be original. I had a brainwave and I thought of the V5, which is a paper document and it has the full name and address. However, it seems this is not deemed suitable as the name a car is registered in is not cross checked. I that were the case then surely I could register my cars in the name of Prince William? Is this the case?

Can a V5 be used as proof of address - skidpan

Maybe the only way is to print off a bill and get it certified by a solicitor.

Can a V5 be used as proof of address - Andrew-T

I thought we all knew that a V5 only shows a Registered Keeper, which may or may not be a synonym for the person keeping the V5 ? A utility bill at least relates to the address where the utility is consumed - usually.

Recently our local tip asks for proof of locality to limit its use to genuinely local people - a utility bill is usually what they want to see.

Edited by Andrew-T on 22/02/2024 at 18:14

Can a V5 be used as proof of address - catsdad

Ironically some of the companies who insist on proof of address then get you have an online, paperless account.

Anyway, for the OP how about any letters they might have from NHS or HMRC?

Can a V5 be used as proof of address - John F

Virtually everyone has an NHS Medical card - won't that do? If not, why not?

Edited by John F on 22/02/2024 at 18:31

Can a V5 be used as proof of address - Orb>>

Our solicitor accepts our online printed bank statements

We are both named om it.

We are also both named on our council tax bill and energy statements online with Octopus.

to change the details on the council tax bill call and ask for procedure, then they will instantly email you a copy.

Can a V5 be used as proof of address - Bromptonaut

What organisation requires the proof and why?

Can a V5 be used as proof of address - Gibbo_Wirral

I've never had a problem printing off a PDF of any online utility bill and it not being accepted.

They might be a bit off with screenshots, but I'm sure all banks and utilities offer you an official PDF of any monthly bill

Can a V5 be used as proof of address - Ex Alfa mail

To cut a long story short, my wife is the headteacher of a primary school. One of the suppliers says they need to verify her details as they have an obligation to do so following a recent change driven by the ECB and FCA to prevent money laundering. I passed on the comments from this forum and it appears they are interpreting the document requirements very precisely. After a degree of reflection, she is passing this over to her central legal team. It does seem somewhat Draconian to say the least but they are adamant they have to have these verifications in place to continue to work with the school. Anyway, may I thank you for your suggestions, it is appreciated.

Can a V5 be used as proof of address - Ethan Edwards

How about a copy of your Council tax bill?

Can a V5 be used as proof of address - Metropolis.
If they are doing money laundering checks a driving licence + passport will absolutely suffice and I would leave it in their court.
Can a V5 be used as proof of address - catsdad

I will be interested to see how this turns out. It’s the primary school or education authority who are making these transactions and I don’t see the relevance of the ID of a private individual. She is not spending her personal money.

Maybe I am missing something as these regulations will have changed since I used to spend huge sums on behalf of my employer without ever having to provide ID.

Can a V5 be used as proof of address - Ex Alfa mail

I'll update once we know. But, whilst I would agree with you, we are told she is the responsible person and so she is the one who has to prove her identity. The reason for handing this over to the central admin team is that this looks like it will be the first of many such requests. And it can't be that she is the only school affected. We're hoping this supplier has interpreted the requirements incorrectly.

Can a V5 be used as proof of address - madf

A printed bank statement - with figures and account number blacked out -should be acceptable. Download, black out, print.

Can a V5 be used as proof of address - Ex Alfa mail

I'm afraid anything downloaded and printed is not accepted. It has to be an original document.

Can a V5 be used as proof of address - Gibbo_Wirral

Sounds like a supplier to get rid of - the type who quotes "data protection" or "health and safety" when they're at fault and misinterpreting the rule.

The school will have a bursar - they should be a member of a bursar's user group which should offer more tailored advice to a school - or something like this

It might also be worth an email to the FCA and get their advice

I also work in schools and some companies have absolutely no idea how to work. I wanted to sign up to a helpdesk for a popular and very expensive CAD program that's cheap for schools. Before they would accept my application they wanted proof of who I was with a copy of my driving licence, and also a photo of me holding my passport and a copy of the school headed notepaper. They also wanted the same from the headmaster!

Edited by Gibbo_Wirral on 26/02/2024 at 13:29

Can a V5 be used as proof of address - Ex Alfa mail

Well, to hopefully feedback a surprisingly long story. Physical passport and driving licence were fine. The second proof of address ended up as a selection of medical letters (thanks for that suggestion, we wouldn't have thought of that), bank and pension statements, and a timely council tax request for payment. The idea was to provide as much as possible and let them decide. Still no idea which it was that was deemed suitable, maybe it was the sheer amount of information provided. Hopefully all sorted. Thanks again for the help.

Can a V5 be used as proof of address - Gibbo_Wirral

Well, to hopefully feedback a surprisingly long story. Physical passport and driving licence were fine. The second proof of address ended up as a selection of medical letters (thanks for that suggestion, we wouldn't have thought of that), bank and pension statements, and a timely council tax request for payment. The idea was to provide as much as possible and let them decide. Still no idea which it was that was deemed suitable, maybe it was the sheer amount of information provided. Hopefully all sorted. Thanks again for the help.

I'd now turn it round to them and ask what they're doing with your personal data - how its stored, how long its stored and so on.

Trust is a two way street.

Can a V5 be used as proof of address - Bromptonaut

I'm afraid anything downloaded and printed is not accepted. It has to be an original document.

How would they know?

Can a V5 be used as proof of address - RT

I'm afraid anything downloaded and printed is not accepted. It has to be an original document.

How would they know?

Most printers used in homes are single sided - many official documents are printed on both sides.

Can a V5 be used as proof of address - alan1302

I'm afraid anything downloaded and printed is not accepted. It has to be an original document.

How would they know?

Most printers used in homes are single sided - many official documents are printed on both sides.

Just turn the paper round and print on the other side.

Can a V5 be used as proof of address - Bromptonaut

Most printers used in homes are single sided - many official documents are printed on both sides.

Both ours are capable of duplex printing as have previous models.

I suspect the failure to accept downloaded/home printed stuff pre dates decent inkjet and laser printers for home use. Unless there are watermarks or something on the paper it's difficult to see how a clerk at a supplier could tell with certainty where something was printed.

As I'm permanent WFH I print letters on a domestic inkjet. Never had a client query it, though print/post is only for those who don't do email.

Can a V5 be used as proof of address - Bilboman

Having read many stories similar to this one I firmly believe that the percentage of UK citizens who remain robustly opposed to ID cards is diminishing year by year! With my permanent residence card in Spain I can collect registered post, vote in local elections, gain access to government buildings, pay all number of fees and bills face to face when required and, should I so desire, buy a "burner" phone, vast quantities of alcohol or a hunting rifle and ammo.
In Great Britain it is still possible to drive a car around with absolutely no proof of identity or address, yet institutions that rightly or wrongly demand ID seem to make up their own rules about what is acceptable. Very odd.

Can a V5 be used as proof of address - Palcouk

Many of these institutions making these requests are not interpretting data protection rules correctly or the requirements under money laudering.

I'm regestered under MLR & Data protection.

There are many banks that are online only